Senin, 31 Maret 2014


Ridho Mela Prasesti (12340024)
Description about how to write paragraph with adequate an inadequate
Make a good paragraph which Cohesion, means that it has a complete components and related each other. When we would like to write a good paragraph we have to include at least three components of paragraph itself, there are topic sentence, supporting sentence, and closing or concluding sentence.
            Paragraph can be derives into adequate and inadequate unity. To make an adequate unity, you have to make sure that the topic sentence as a main idea is holding up all of paragraphs with a constructical and structural sentence. Topic sentences will be support by some related sentence to make the idea clear.
            Otherwise, inadequate unity is when the idea is not hold all of paragraphs and the supporting sentences are unrelated to topic sentence. Furthermore, the most important thing is pay attention for the details of ideas and relationship between each paragraphs for developing the paragraph.
Definition of Cohesion
"Cohesion is achieved when writers connect their organized parts with sufficiently clear and numerous signals--like the words 'finally,' 'thus,' 'however,'--to make the development of their cases intelligible and to lead the reader safely along the emerging lines of their arguments. . . .
Types of Cohesion
"In linguistics, cohesion is the use of language forms to indicate semantic relations between elements in a discourse. Grammatical cohesion concerns such matters as reference, ellipsis, substitution, and conjunction; lexical cohesion concerns such features as synonymy, antonymy, metonymy, collocation, repetition, etc.; instantial cohesion concerns ties that are valid only for a particular text. Together, cohesion and register contribute to textuality, the sense that something is a text and not a random collection of sentences."
The difference about Cohesion and Coherence
and coherence were often used interchangeably, both referring either to a kind of vague sense of wholeness or to a more specific set of relationships definable grammatically and lexically. The work of Halliday and Hasan (1976) influenced scholars and researchers in rhetoric and composition so that, by the early 1980s, the two terms were distinguished. Cohesion is now understood to be a textual quality, attained through the use of grammatical and lexical elements that enable readers to perceive semantic relationships within and between sentences. Coherence refers to the overall consistency of a discourse--its purpose, voice, content, style, form, and so on--and is in part determined by readers' perceptions of texts, dependent not only on linguistic and contextual information in the texts but also on readers' abilities to draw upon other kinds of knowledge, such as cultural and intertextual knowledge."
(Irwin Weiser, "Linguistics." Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, ed. by Theresa Enos. Taylor & Francis, 1996)

Senin, 24 Maret 2014


Name : Ridho Mela Prasesti
NPM : 12340024

1.     Description about how to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate unity
In making the paragraph, we must attention some of the component, there are topic sentence, supporting sentence and concluding sentence.

2.    What is Coherence?

Coherence in a paragraph is the technique of making words,phrases and sentences move smoothly and logically from one to the other. In other words, coherence refers to the extent to which the flow of ideas in a paragraph is easily understood the reader.

3.    Tittle : Me

I would like to tell you about me, yes of course about my self. My name is Ridho Mela Prasesti. My nick name is Ridho or Mela. I was born on may,2nd 1994. My religion is Moslem and I live in Tanjung Harapan,Marga Tiga East Lampung. My nose is snub but sexy hehehe I have long hair and slented eyes,my weigth is around 52 kilograms and my  height is around 157 cms. I always wearing the veil.
 I am a student in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. Everyday I go to the campus by motorcycle. My hobby is cooking and singing although I know my voice isn’t good. ISome people and my friends said that if I friendly girl,because I often  greet the people and of course all of my friends.
In my spare time I always to do my activities for example help my mother in garden and care of my pet. I have some pets are interested. That’s all about me, I hope you can enjoyed about my self :D
I would like to tell you about me, yes of course about my self. My name is Ridho Mela Prasesti. My nick name is Ridho or Mela. I was born on may,2nd 1994. My religion is Moslem and I live in Tanjung Harapan,Marga Tiga East Lampung. My nose is snub but sexy hehehe I have long hair and slented eyes,my weigth is around 52 kilograms and my  height is around 157 cms. I always wearing the veil.

I am a student in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. Everyday I go to the campus by motorcycle. My hobby is cooking and singing although I know my voice isn’t good. ISome people and my friends said that if I friendly girl,because I often  greet the people and of course all of my friends.

In my spare time I always to do my activities for example help my mother in garden and care of my pet. I have some pets are interested. That’s all about me, I hope you can enjoyed about my self :D

Senin, 17 Maret 2014


Ridho Mela Prasesti
1.       A. Narrative Text
Narrative text is text wich retells happen about something in the past.

B. Generic Structure
a. orientation
 It is about opening the paragraph,place and characteristic.
b. complication
where the ploblems happen and develop.
c. resolution
in this part is about problem solved

C. Language Features
a. using action verb; run,sleep, walk, etc
b. using simple past tense
c. using conjuction; when,then, suddenly, etc.
d. using specific time ; one day, once upon time, etc.

D. Example of narrative text
The Legend of Rawa Pening

Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.

Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to leave, this old woman gave him a “lesung”, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him, “please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this “lesung” as a boat”. The “lesung” was happy and thanked the old woman.The little boy continued his journey. While he was passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody was dumbfounded.

Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village. And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the “lesung” as a boat and picked up the old woman. The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia.

2.      A. Descriptive Text
Descriptive test is text wich describe about place,person or thing.

B. Generic Structure
 1. identification : to describe the object.
2. description : to identify the quakity and the characteristic.

C. Language Features
1. using adverbs
2. using adjectives
3. using simple present tense

D. example of Descriptive text

My Mother

I think that my mother is beautiful person. Because she is tall,she has black hair and short. She has brown skin,pointed nose and slim body.

She is a kind person for her child and others. She is very friendly,patient and also loves to help the other people. I thik she is good example for me. She loves being in the mosque. She alwaystake cares of her family.

I love her.

3.      A. Expository Text
Expository text is text tells about the fact an event are how to do something.

B.      Generic structure
1.       Cause-Effect, examples include directions, science texts, explanations
2.       Chronology/Sequence, examples include recipe steps, history books, biographies
3.       Compare/Contrast, an example is a political speech; note that this text structure is sometimes referred to as Pro-Con, such as ideas for and against a topic
4.       Description/Categorization, an example is a newspaper article
5.      Problem-Solution, an example is medical information
6.      Position-Reason, examples include debates, persuading or informing an audience; note that this text structure is sometimes referred o as Pro-Con or Compare/Contrast

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Ridho Mela Prasesti

Imam al-Ghazali dilahirkan pada tahun 450 Hijrah bersamaan dengan tahun 1058 Masehi di bandat Thus, Khurasan (Iran). Beliau berkun`yah Abu Hamid karena salah seorang anaknya bernama Hamid. Gelar beliau al-Ghazali ath-Thusi berkaitan dengan gelar ayahnya yang bekerja sebagai pemintal bulu kambing dan tempat kelahirannya yaitu Ghazalah di Bandar Thus, Khurasan. Sedangkan gelar asy-Syafi'i menunjukkan bahwa beliau bermazhab Syafi'i. Beliau berasal dari keluarga yang miskin. Ayahnya mempunyai cita-cita yang tinggi yaitu ingin anaknya menjadi orang alim dan saleh. Imam Al-Ghazali adalah seorang ulama, ahli fikir, ahli filsafat Islam yang terkemuka yang banyak memberi sumbangan bagi perkembangan kemajuan manusia. Beliau pernah memegang jawatan sebagai Naib Kanselor di Madrasah Nizhamiyah, pusat pengajian tinggi di Baghdad. Imam Al-Ghazali meninggal dunia pada 4 Jumadil Akhir tahun 505 Hijriah bersamaan dengan tahun 1111 Masehi di Thus. Jenazahnya dikebumikan di tempat kelahirannya.
Imam al-Ghazali mempunyai daya ingat yang kuat dan bijak berhujjah. Beliau digelar Hujjatul Islam karena kemampuannya tersebut. Beliau sangat dihormati di dua dunia Islam yaitu Saljuk dan Abbasiyah yang merupakan pusat kebesaran Islam. Beliau berjaya mengusai pelbagai bidang ilmu pengetahuan. Imam al-Ghazali sangat mencintai ilmu pengetahuan. Beliau juga sanggup meninggalkan segala kemewahan hidup untuk bermusafir dan mengambara serta meninggalkan kesenangan hidup demi mencari ilmu pengetahuan. Sebelum beliau memulakan pengambaraan, beliau telah mempelajari karaya ahli sufi ternama seperti al-Junaid Sabili dan Bayazid Busthami. Imam al-Ghazali telah mengembara selama sepuluh tahun. Beliau telah mengunjungi tempat-tempat suci yang bertaburan di daerah Islam yang luas seperti Mekkah, Madinah, Jerusalem, dan Mesir. Beliau terkenal sebagai ahli filsafat Islam yang telah mengharumkan nama ulama di Eropa melalui hasil karyanya yang sangat bermutu tinggi. Sejak kecil lagi berliau telah dididik dengan akhlak yang mulia. Hal ini menyebabkan beliau benci kepada sifat riya, megah, sombong, takabur, dan sifat-sifat tercela yang lain. Beliau sangat kuat beribadat, wara, zuhud, dan tidak gemar kepada kemewahan, kepalsuan. Kemegahan, dan kepuran-puraan dan mencari sesuatu untuk mendapat keredhaan dari Allah SWT. Beliau mempunyai keahlian dalam pelbagai bidang ilmu terutamanya fiqih, usul fiqih, dan siyasah syariah. Oleh karena itu, beliau disebut sebagai seorang faqih. Pada tingkat dasar, beliau mendapat pendidikan secara gratis dari beberapa orang guru karena kemiskinan keluarganya. Pendidikan yang diperoleh pada peringkat ini membolehkan beliau menguasai Bahasa Arab dan Parsi dengan fasih. Oleh sebab minatnya yang mendalam terhadap ilmu, beliau mula mempelajari ilmu ushuluddin, ilmu mantiq, usul fiqih, filsafat, dan mempelajari segala pendapat keeempat mazhab hingga mahir dalam bidang yang dibahas oleh mazhab-mazhab tersebut. Selepas itu, beliau melanjutkan pelajarannya dengan Ahmad ar-Razkani dalam bidang ilmu fiqih, Abu Nasr al-Ismail di Jarajan, dan Imam Harmaim di Naisabur. Oleh sebab Imam al-Ghazali memiliki ketinggian ilmu, beliau telah dilantik menjadi mahaguru di Madrasah Nizhamiah (sebuah universitas yang didirikan oleh perdana menteri) di Baghdad pada tahun 484 Hijrah. Kemudian beliau dilantik pula sebagai Naib Kanselor di sana. Beliau telah mengembara ke beberapa tempat seperti Mekkah, Madinah, Mesir dan Jerusalem untuk berjumpa dengan ulama-ulama di sana untuk mendalami ilmu pengetahuannya yang ada. Dalam pengembaraan, beliau menulis kitab Ihya Ulumuddin yang memberi sumbangan besar kepada masyarakat dan pemikiran manusia dalam semua masalah.
Imam al Ghazali telah tampil sebagai mahaguru di Madrasah Nidzamiah, istana, dan di masyarakat pada umumnya. Melalui karyanya yaitu Ihya’ Ulum al-Din sebanyak tiga jilid, ia telah tampil sebagai guru dalam bidang fikih dan tasawuf.